Sunday, April 2, 2017

poetry rally week 84, april fool, and Inverse Humor

Thursday Poets Rally Week 84 speical, 30 poems in 30 days April nutrition/Wellness/freedom/openheart/illistration March (read, post, share and laugh)

  Image result for april fool   

Image result for april fool  

Day Two  

quote from maureen throson

Today, I’d like you to write a poem inspired by, or in the form of, a recipe! It can be a recipe for something real, like your grandmother’s lemon chiffon cake, or for something imaginary, like a love potion or a spell.  "

April Fool (4/1/2017)

When Lady Suo tells us that Amy's dorm is on fire,
student crowds in the big classroom all feel shocked,
"Wang Qi, Zhao Xin, Peng Xin, Gao Hongjian, Zhu Cao, and Zhou Feng"
they all rush toward Yun canal
imaging heavy smoke
or firefighter sirens
in the end,
when red faced Meng Ying, Tu Jun, Hu huasheng, and Dai Wangbing come back,
laughing as if there is an earthquake in Zhou Tong's hometown,
we all lowered our heads
knowing that "pranks of all types could happen"
which is an April Fool humor,
none of us can go back,
Life Inverse is odd,
Logrithm and Power fuhctions simply won't coincide

almost 28 years later,
Aime Wood and Nathan Wood sense the shook
whenever they recall the incident,
the class,
the true reactions,
the shameful laugh
who can predict our future?
none of us can know that today, Anderson Cooper dominates CBS,
Sundai Pichar co-runs Google with Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin,
none of us can predict that today,
Harvard Square is managed by Mark Wu, Francis Doyle, and Charles Faust
say, under the mask of George Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump,
hiding our buried memory of He Zhangmei, Xu Bo, Tang Gangbo, Peng Chuanxian....
Ma Bing, Liu Ai E, He Guoping, Chen Silin, Cheng Guixiang, Dou Yu, Wu Tiejian,
they all vote from New York city time square
rooting Tsingdao Beers for Tom L. Wu, Tina Wu, Albert Cai, Emily Wang, Feng Jin


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

very nice.