Thursday, March 10, 2016

short story week 40, Wiseley Luu (彭传慧-贺子珍) Copan Tan (吴家宏-毛泽东) children Wavely Wang (涂军) and Joseph Tu (马云)

Black & White Wednesday ~ Almost 

short story slam week 40: the wishes from dandelion flower or a lady bug (Mar 3--Mar 27, 2016) 

 Image result for dandelion

on December 25, 1893, Chairman Mao was born in Frankfort, Germany,
growing up as a business man, Chairman Mao always love air, water, trees, and fuel

after 100 years, Chris Fine (卧龙-孔明) was born on May 22,  his birth place
is Somalia, and his father is Zhu Daifang, and his mother is Wu Huilan

within 5 years, Alan Victor (韩 余-- 三毛was on December 25, 1997, to parents Wu Hongping
and  Yu Lanfeng, in Cuba.

 later, when Chairman Mao, Chris Fine, and Alan Victor immigrate to the united states of
America, they have so much fun learning English as  a second language, it is so easy for them
because there is a famous writer, and a controversy poet Laura Welch Fay  ( 冰心-骆驼祥子)
often thinks of all of those apt lords, and preaches them to respect, embrace, and balance
life as it is, writing, reading, and meditation....which helps Chairman Mao, Chris Fine, and Alan Victor

no body knows what happened, everyone comes to America, automatically speaking good english,
and they laugh and tease one another like crazy, and the president Jane Kennedy feels angry,
and often ends up confused, because strong will leads to cultural melting pots in Houston, New Jersey, New Brunswick, New York city, Orlando, Tulsa, Atlanta, Seattle, Nashville, Memphis,
Saint Thomas, Santa Fe, Madison, and Chenneyen, which causes lots of riots

America is a Christian country artificially, due to heavy immigration recent years,
things have changed, Wei Xin and Wei Wu (subjective religion and wusheng no religion)
philosophy crashes and makes the entire world alerted about so many benefits when we
sit at Yuekou city dinning table, sharing a meal of ten fancy dishes, and at the same time,
when Scott Leming marries a Japanese woman Lijun Cuba, have a princess Arzelar Leming

today, most people are allowed to reside US without formal residency, they often carry
some humanity fund and have a district lawyer arrange a home, so that their offspring
attend american schools, and get new england education

so, a few of our friends have surprises,  what we value is that Chairman Mao shares the same birthday with Alan Victor, a Christian born, Sheng Dan Ying Er, and Chairman Mao shares the birthday
in the year of 1893, exactly 100 years apart from Chris Fine of 1993.

Chairman Mao is young at creativity
relating to Christian faith
via birthday of Jesus Christ,
we call Chiarman Mao, Chris Fine, and Alan Victor "three hairs) ( 三根汗毛), or (三个牛),
in short Ben ()

so, some relation here,

Chairman Mao (老舍-鲁迅)
Hannah Constantin ( 琼瑶-巴金)   
 children   Amin Rao ( 李敏)  and Aimee Gay (朱琳)

Chris Fine (于虹-何晴)
Michelle Kuwang ( 杨紫-朱自清)
 children Teresa Meng (孟嬴-赵霁)   and Sarah Mikaela (  杨红樱-李梦颖)

 Wiseley Luu (彭传慧-贺子珍)
Copan Tan (吴家宏-毛泽东)
children Wavely Wang (涂军) and Joseph Tu  (马云)

  San Mao

三毛图册  San Mao and He Xi


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

amazing one.