Thursday, March 26, 2015

gentle dental appointment text

switched to HealthCare,
but Gentle Dental text still appears,
I delete the reminder,
Looking for a future of friendlier.
I didn't mean to upset Schapiros,
Hope that they stay cool,
I didn't mean to ignore Jennifer Bartley,
She definitely deserves honor at Carney, Tryou, and Wesley.
Lisa Carney used to be my neighbor,
Rylan Carney is Tom Lee's friend,
Dreamed about Camila, Lisa, Anne, Lucinda,
Regret that Perkins does get Thomas, Shegoon, Herts,
Lewis, Sam, Mike, James, Sury, and Wanda included.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Today I....

today i took at look at
places i wish to visit,
all at once
I felt better;
today I emailed a friend about
procedures on how to apply for a visa,
then i feel proud
about the removing the doubts with Martha;
today I pondered about my acts
and stayed clear about strangers by my door,
today I worked hard to wine less,
and meditate more...
After all,
I felt easy
and a little bit less weary.